This past weekend, we all went to Nashville. My hubby ran/walked the marathon and had his best finish time ever. He wasn't even sore after it was over. I am so proud of his accomplishment. Here's the worst part, I didn't get a single picture of my hubby. The marathon people will be sending us some and I'll be sure to purchase those.
My cousin that lives in Nashville had a baby shower that same weekend so we got to see lots of out-of-state cousins. It was fun seeing my kids playing with my cousins' kids. It was a very fun, exciting, jam packed weekend. I only wish that we all lived closer so we could see our kids grow up together.
On the way home, we stopped at Ruby Falls and Rock City, which my parents say I saw when I was little but I don't remember. We managed to get off the beaten path in Rock City and stretch that 45 minute tour into over 2 hours. No idea how we did that. And my clausterphobia kicked in when I had to squeeze through some small spaces, but overall it was very neat. Then we went to Ruby Falls and saw the most amazing waterfall. It's amazing the things God has created. I wonder how many others there are that haven't even been discovered yet. My only regret was that they wouldn't let me stay down there longer and sit to take in the beauty.
When we got home, I felt like we had been gone a week. Normally when I get home, I wish we had gotten to stay longer or that we had come home earlier. But this trip was perfect. I'll try to post pictures later.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
My hubby and I celebrated our 12th anniversary a couple of weeks ago. It was actually on Easter this year, which made the day feel even more special. We celebrated by going out to eat ribs earlier in the week because we knew there would be no time on Sunday. The highlight of the dinner happened when my hubby tried to convince our server that I was having a birthday and turning 39. The server looked at me and said, "No way. She might be turning 29, but not 39." Bless his heart.
During the day on Easter, I was thinking about the past 12 years. Twelve years ago, I never could have imagined this life today. I hoped and prayed for kids and a wonderful life but never could have pictured how wonderful my life really is. I also thought about where I would be in 12 more years. I assume Miss A will be in her 3rd year of college, and Mr T will be a senior in high school preparing to head to college. I wonder how my heart will ever take that transition when I still struggle with sending my kids to school each fall. I want so badly to treasure each moment of the next 12 years so that I can look back and have no regrets, wherever we are in 12 years. I just anniversaries that make me slow down and appreciate all I've been given.
During the day on Easter, I was thinking about the past 12 years. Twelve years ago, I never could have imagined this life today. I hoped and prayed for kids and a wonderful life but never could have pictured how wonderful my life really is. I also thought about where I would be in 12 more years. I assume Miss A will be in her 3rd year of college, and Mr T will be a senior in high school preparing to head to college. I wonder how my heart will ever take that transition when I still struggle with sending my kids to school each fall. I want so badly to treasure each moment of the next 12 years so that I can look back and have no regrets, wherever we are in 12 years. I just anniversaries that make me slow down and appreciate all I've been given.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spring Break
Guess what we did over Spring Break?
We babysat a hamster. Who knew hamsters were nocturnal? I'm a quick learner. It took one sleepless night for me figure that out.

Our church held a bike-a-thon for a fundraiser. Miss A did 5 miles in 40 minutes and Mr T did 4 miles. It was so much fun cheering them on.
I looked out the window on afternoon to see my kids loading up in the wagon and flying down the hill. They obviously had no control over where they were going so I chose to take a picture and then stopped watching.
My kids got to go to ChuckECheese for the first time. That was alot of fun.
Here is my favorite. It was 65 degrees on Sunday and snowed on Monday. So here are my kids in their short sleeve shirts out in the snow. Gotta love this Ga weather.
Stopping for a Moment
We've had a busy few weeks and I've been doing just enough to hopefully stay one day ahead of the game. There's been spring break, my hubby and my 12th anniversary, my daughter's 9th birthday, a spend-the-night party for that birthday, my hubby's grandmother's 92nd birthday party, planting a garden, and all the other stuff that just happens to keep life going. It's been a ride. Sunday afternoon, my hubby was out walking, the kids were playing together and I just sat in my comfy yellow chair and stopped. I didn't try to sleep, read a book, or plan anything. I just sat and the only thought in my mind was, "Be still and know that I am God." I get so busy that I begin to feel like I don't need God; I'm doing fine without him; I don't really have time for him. (Can you believe I am foolish enough to believe those lies?) So I get busier because I know something is lacking and before I know it, I'm fed up with everything and everyone. I never realized before this past weekend how important it is for me to BATTLE busyness. "Be still and know that I am God."
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