Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter time

Although it is 77 degrees here in Georgia, we have still been bitten by the winter stomach bug. I was down all day yesterday and Miss A was "up" all night. So, I am staying home with Miss A today, which means missing Mr T's preschool ornament party. I hated to miss that; hopefully he won't be too disappointed.

I also have a list of about 7 more gifts to get, and it has to be done by next Tuesday, or it won't get done. And the days are flying away. Tuesday is the "tonsil removal" day. Mr T asked me the other day if they were going to have to take out all his teeth to get his tonsils out. Poor little guy has no idea. I heard that the medicine they give them tastes yucky so I know it's going to be a struggle to even get him to take his medicine. Please pray for us.

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