Friday, June 13, 2008

Where Has The Time Gone?

My dear friend K called and invited me to ride with her to mall to buy a swimsuit. I of course was up for a trip to the mall and decided that I might just look for a swimsuit for myself.

It didn't take me long to realize that it had been 14 years since I had bought a swimsuit. Yes, my current suit was one I purchased in college. I love that suit. I remember when I bought it. My college roomies was interviewing for a job in a town about an hour away so I rode along and shopped while she interviewed. I remember seeing it in the outlet mall and KNOWING it was the right suit for me. How could it have been 14 years? It seemed like just yesterday.

My hubby informed me that I was definitely to get a new suit. So, K, her son, my son and myself headed to the mall. And thank God for K. Without her forcing me on, I would have given up after about 2 seconds. Everything was either inappropraite or old lady. UGHGHGH!!!! And who knew that swimsuits could look that bad on me?

I tried one on and my son immediately began to laugh. K said that if he was laughing, it could not be good. And Mr T was right, it was hideous, but did he have to laugh? This was not going well.

I finally found a black suit with some blue on it that was flattering and then a pair of black swim short with a black and white top that I just adore. So, it was worth it. Two suits should last me FOREVER, right? And the old suit? I'm burning it. Who knew I would ever grow sick of the thing? It only took 14 years.

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