Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Time for a Change

Guess what I did yesterday? I rearranged my living room furniture. Now to those who know me, you may be surprised that I would just change my furniture around. You KNOW I hate change. It seriously took me a couple of weeks to work up the nerve to change it, but there was a bigger factor than my fear. I am so totally cheap.

Our sofa that we've had for 11 years has begun to sag terribly in the middle. Shouldn't sofas last longer than 11 years? Please don't get me started. Anyways, when my hubby and I would watch TV, we would squish up on one end of the sofa because it was the only "high" place left. And even that spot had begun to squeak. So we began talking about new furniture, which is great but that's something I want to shop for slowly, not because I have to have something. So, we switched the love seat and the sofa's place. This is turn required us to move ALL the furniture in the room. We now have more room on the love seat than we did on the sofa. Who knew?

My son watched all this in wonder and had to ask, "Mommy, why are you doing this?" I replied, "It's what we girls do. It's what we do." My daughter got right into the fray and was barking out orders to me and her dad. And all of her suggestions were better than mine so I guess I should say that my daughter rearranged our living room furniture yesterday. It looks really good.

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