I don't have anything great to share. We have been busy getting our house back into order. While we had our hardwood floors refinished, we moved out of our house and stayed at my hubby's grandmother's house. It was great to have a place to be but after a few days, I was dying to come back home. We moved back in a week ago Monday, and lived for a week with no furniture downstairs. We would lay the kids down at night in their beds and then when we were ready for bed, we would move one to the floor and take their bed. It was great be home, but I was still longing for some normalcy. So, last Friday, we moved all our furniture back in and finally had somewhere to sit, somewhere to eat, our own bed to sleep in. HEAVEN!!! I'll try never to take those things for granted. I have spent every minute since trying to bring all our "stuff" back inside from the garage where we stored it. My mom came up and spent Monday and Tuesday with us. We decided to purge our kids' rooms. By the time we were finished, we had taken out 10 bags of trash, 8 bags to the local thrift store, and I have about 5 more bags I'm going to try to consign before I donate. The upstairs looks amazing. My kids are so excited to be able to finally see what toys they have. Less really is more. (The kids haven't even mentioned one thing they miss.)
This morning, I met a dear friend for breakfast, and we had so much fun just talking about our lives. I haven't seen her in about 4 months so it was alot of fun catching up. Afterwards, I decided to treat myself to some shopping. I bought the cutest clothes at Kohls; I got the best snack stuff from BJ's; and of course I had to run into to WalMart. I can't wait to try on my new clothes again and make sure I like them. I got the greatest pants at Kohls. I wanted to wear them out of the store; they were that comfy.
Life is good here but busy. There is always something to do it seems. It is raining today, which is such a blessing. It could honestly rain for days and I wouldn't mind.
Here are a few pictures we had taken while we on vacation. Enjoy!!

Our Family

The Kids

Mr T loses his first tooth and gets glasses
Here's the crazy thing about the glasses. We had them for less than 24 hours before I KNOCKED them off his face and he stepped on them. It took less than a second for the whole thing to happen and YES, they did have to be replaced. Welcome to my world! He now has new ones that fit him like a glove and look even better on my cutie pie, if that's possible.
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