Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Day that Changed our Lives

About this time, six years ago, I was wishing my baby boy would hurry up and get here. I was pacing around the hospital trying to make the contractions start up again. The doctors eventually gave me meds to make that whole process move faster. My hubby and I had gone to bed the night before and finally decided on a name. The contractions started about an hour later. (I think Mr T was just waiting for us to figure out what we could call him.) We headed to the hospital and I remember asking the midwife if this was really it. Around 2 in the afternoon, my pastor and his wife stopped by to check in on us. Our pastor prayed for us and during the prayer, I realized that this little boy was ready to be born. (I had an epidural so I wasn't in any pain.) Mr T was born about 30 minutes later. And what a joy he has been ever since. He loved to snuggle and cuddle when he was a baby and now he gives the sweetest hugs. He has such a tender heart and cares about other people's feelings. This morning, his sister gave him her birthday gift. It was a scarf she had made, and he just loved it. He wanted to call all his extended family at 7 this morning to remind them that it was his birthday. :)

Mr T, I pray that you always stay this sweet. I pray that you continue to learn and grow. That you will always have a tender heart and that you will use that tenderness to great and amazing things for God. I love you more than I can write or say. You give your dad, your mom and your sister so much to laugh about. You keep us from getting too serious about life. You make us stop and smell the roses. Just keep being you and you'll be alright.

Now I'm off to go buy groceries so that I can make Mr T his favorite meal: ham slice, yellow rice and mashed potatoes. :)

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