Friday, February 27, 2009

What A Check Will Get You

My kids' school is holding a fundraiser for Jump Rope for Heart. It sounds like it'll be alot of fun. The kids raise money through pledges and then jump rope for a set amount of time. All the money goes to help research through the American Heart Association. The kids get prizes based on how much money they raise.

When I picked up my kids yesterday, my son gets in the car and says, "Mom, I need a check for $5000."

I replied with, "You need a check for $5000? Why do you need a check for $5000?"

He told me that if you brought a check for $5000 you got a free Wii.

I said, "Well sweetie, I don't have $5000."

He replied, "You don't need $5000, just a check for $5000."

Oh now I see. It's all becoming clear. All I need is to send a check for $5000 and they'll give me a Wii, no strings attached, no money needed. Got it, little 6 year old child.

When I told him that you had to have $5000 to write a $5000 check, there was alot of groaning. Thank goodness he's only 6 since we need a few years to work on the whole concept of money.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I am cracking up!!!!

Maybe you could print a fake one off the computer :)

Dern...if it all just worked that way!