Friday, November 30, 2007

Here we go

Mr T has to have blood work done today. I am DREADING it. He is just pitiful when we gets a shot or has anything like this done. The blood work is being done to get us ready for the tonsil removal thing---which I am in denial about.

The last time Mr T had shots, we got home around lunch time. He was so pitiful. He sat there on the sofa and said, "You will have to feed me. I can't lift my arms. See?" Then, he proceeded to sit there, with his arms at this side for a few seconds, not moving. "See, I can't lift them." It was the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen. Just so you'll know, I did in fact feed him. :)

Here's a verse the Lord gave me yesterday that I am quoting non-stop. "...And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 My God wants to be my Prince of Peace. He is everlasting and is more than enough to handle my struggles. I have been battling some feelings for awhile, and they popped back up again yesterday. Needless to say, I am tired of fighting this so instead of doing it on my own, I am going to run to my Prince of Peace, my Counselor who knows all. I am just going to let him deal with this. What a relief.

My son just said, "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?"


"Cargo who?"

"Car go beep beep."

Ha ha ha.

Here's one more. My daughter was kind of moving slowly this morning. It wasn't like she was slow; she just kept getting distracted. Playing Lego's is so much more fun than brushing your teeth. Anyways, at one point, I said that she needed to hurry up. She looked me square in the eye and said, "I can't move any faster. My jeans are too stiff." Now that is one excuse that I was TOTALLY unprepared for. Do they teach them this at school?

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