Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Camping at Home

I am supposed to be working but I just had to post this. My kids are playing "camping" in their rooms. I just heard my daughter tell my son, "It's raining. Get the animals in the tent." She is the one in charge, you know. Then I hear her tell him, "Here's your gun. Go kill a bear or something; we need alot of meat to eat." Bear? We don't eat bear. We don't eat any meat that anyone I know has killed.

We have had a great weekend. My hubby was back home, which has been wonderful. I took my kids to The American Girl store yesterday and we had the time of our lives. Miss A knew all the doll's stories and it was so neat to see them excited over dolls and history. I think ever other young girl was there too. I wish I had come up with that idea. I'd be rich by now. :)

Valentine morning, I woke up and started to get ready. I didn't even remember it was Valentine's Day; maybe I was in denial since my hubby was out of town. I heard my kids telling me to come out into the hallway; they needed me. What I found just made my heart smile. I had 2 homemade Valentines given to me that had "I Love You" written all over them. These were my first homemade Valentines that they made all on their own. They made my day. I am blessed with the 2 most wonderful kids in the world.

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