Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Life Lessons

Today has been quite a day. It's late and I'm ready to go to bed, but I can't until I've typed this out and my mind can rest. I learned a few things while my daughter got glasses this afternoon.

I learned that my daughter is still a child, not the grown up I expect her to be way too many times. She was thrilled to have new glasses. She kept reading far away things, things she's never seen before. She commented on how things had so many colors now; she said things were black and white where before they were grey.

I learned again (as I'm sure I'll learn again and again) that I am not in control of my life or my childrens' lives. Only God is in control, and thank goodness because he can do it best. But in the day to day living, it's so easy to begin to believe that we can orchestrate our childrens' lives. It's so hard to let go. God is getting me ready daily for some future "let-go's."

I am reminded to slow down and treasure each moment. When I'm old and grey, I will remember these moments. My daughter is absolutely beautiful. I never want to forget how proud I am her for being so brave, so innocent, so sweet. She is truly a treasure. I can't wait to watch her grow into a beautiful lady. (Just don't hurry sweetie. Mommy needs to do this slowly.) :) Protect her Lord and keep her safe.

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