Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nothing too Important

I haven't gotten too much done today, but the stuff I've done has made me oh so happy. I finally steam cleaned our stairs, which means I can walk up and down them without cringing. I built a fire earlier this morning so the house is toasty warm. Mr T has chosen today to be his one day in 3 weeks where he is finally going to go to sleep for a nap. I think I might take a nap too.

I have to tell you what Mr T said this past Sunday. He was going through the house searching for his gloves so he could dress up as a construction worker. He no longer wants to be a fire fighter; he now wants to be a construction worker. Anyways, he finally finds them and I hear him exclaim, "HALLELUJAH!!!! I've found my gloves." To anyone else that might not seem like big deal ,but I have been found myself using the word "Hallelujah" alot lately, and he seems to have followed. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to teach our children. I am really trying to be more vocal about things when all I'd rather do is be quiet and not say anything most of the day. I want my kids to see me writing scripture on my fingers and placing it in my heart so that it pours out when I'm not even expecting it.

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