Friday, March 14, 2008

A fish outta water

I am once again finding myself in a situation where I am totally out of my comfort zone. And let me just say that it is painful. You'd think it would get easier each time I am forced into a place where I am a fish out of water, but it hasn't. I am really trying to learn from this experience so that maybe I won't have to learn this lesson again.

And I am learning. In high school, I would just hide and dream about never coming out when I found myself in a place that I felt completely alone. In college, I learned that the way to solve a problem was to get 4 or 5 of your best girl friends, get a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and eat the whole container. No bowls, just a bunch of spoons flying. In my first job, I learned that stress really will cause migraines every day if you let it and sometimes it's ok to quit when you are miserable.

Just a few minutes ago, I was hiding in the kitchen eating every bite of the tube of cookie dough. I think I've decided that food worked best in college, and I'll try again. Or maybe it was the friends that made life easier. Either way, this situation will all be over in a couple of months and maybe I'll have a new coping skill that doesn't involve food.

1 comment:

kristin said...

Wish I were close enough to eat ice cream with you again! I always want to email you, but my keyboard misses every other key making it more of a chore than fun :(. I'm thinking of you anyway.