Monday, July 7, 2008

The Real Country

We just got back from vacation and it proved to me that we do NOT live in the REAL country. We went to Ohio to visit all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and all my extended family. It was wonderful. My parents and my younger sister went with us so we were guaranteed to have a great time.

All the animals had just had babies so we got to see baby rabbits, horse, cows, donkeys, buffalo, cats, dogs. You name it, we probably saw it. My kids had so much petting all the animals.

I know to my family, we seemed extremely busy but for me, it was such a wonderful time of slowing down and focusing on people. So much of my life sometimes feels isolated and lonely, and it was refreshing to feel welcomed and invited. Seeing old friends was like coming home. It was refreshing to remember that I do have roots of my own somewhere. I came home feeling refreshed and like I could do anything I wanted. In the every day living, I get so bogged down with the petty things that don't matter. I wish I could slip away to Ohio every couple of weeks or so and remember that life is more than just existing from one task to the next. It really was a good trip.

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