Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Fog is Lifting

For the first time in 2 months, I feel like I am going to make it. I feel like the sun will shine again. It's been a hard time and I can't even begin to tell you what's been wrong; it's just been hard. Ever have a time when life is just plain hard and there's no other to describe it? Well, I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Here's one of the ways I know it's getting better. With all that I have been dealing with, I would still do it all over again because I have learned so much. I am so proud of myself for coming through this time relying on God and not myself, and for actually going through something tough with the mindset to learn something and not just lay around and complain. I am proud of how things have gone. I would do it again.

My daughter's softball team is in the playoff game tomorrow night, which has been fun and exciting. I am learning that she is braver than I am. If there is something I struggle at doing, I'd rather just not do it and never let anyone know that I struggle at something. She gets out there, does her best and is extremely happy and proud of herself at the end. Two games ago, she got a triple and got on base 3 out of 4 times. That never would have happened had she hid out like I do. I am so proud of her and her strength.

Tonight my daughter gets an award for completing her book by learning all her verses. She worked really hard and I am proud of her for sticking with it.

I know I wrote about work a few days ago. God totally worked that out. I was talking to a co-worker about coming back to work more hours and in the fall. When she mentioned that to my old boss, who is her boss, he said, "We've been waiting for Mr. T to go to kindergarten FOREVER." It warmed my heart because it felt so good to know that someone has been waiting for me to come back to work, to know that they value me as a person and an employee. They truly are the most flexible and awesome company to work for. Everything I have ever asked for, they have worked to make it happen. How nice to know that someone wants you and thinks you do a good job. I don't think we say that to each enough.

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