Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our Busy Summer

It's been a long time but summer is so busy. I feel like I don't have a moment to spare. If I'm not playing with the kids, or cleaning up the messes we make, then I am working or trying to figure out how to keep the kids busy.

Last week, we had Bible school at my in-laws church and had swim lessons for Mr T. This week we have Bible school at our church and swim lessons for both my kids. Not only are both my kids taking swim lessons, their 4 cousins are too. And somehow I am the person with the most time so I'm the elected to take them. My mother-in-law has been helping take but she doesn't get in the water will ALL SIX KIDS at the end so they can swim for fun for a little while. What a job!!!! Did I say ALL SIX KIDS? I have to keep up with ALL SIX KIDS in water. Most of the cousins can't swim enough that you can take your eyes off them. Talk about stress. The best part is that for half an hour, I get to sit in the sun and just soak it all in. Heaven!!! I feel more human after I've had my time in the sun. It all quickly fades after watching ALL SIX KIDS. :)

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