Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Fun Memory

Today I met my hubby for lunch at the local Mexican restaurant. It was great food and even better company. As we left, we saw several local county government trucks in the parking lot. Each had a bright orange cone behind the trucks. And I just had to giggle. When I worked for the Department of Transportation in college, I got to drive an "official" DOT truck. Whenever I would park the car, I had to put out the orange cone behind the truck. The reason for this is it requires you to walk around the back of the truck before you leave. I'm sure it worked for everyone but me. I cannot tell you how many times I would back out of the parking space and hear the most horrible bumping, dragging sound. Then it'd hit me, "You backed over that stupid cone again." There were even a few times where I would drag silly thing all the way back to the DOT office. So, if you saw a DOT truck going down the road dragging an orange cone underneath about 10 years ago, that was me. I admit it.

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