Friday, August 7, 2009

Can't Wait for Monday

Ever have a time in your life where you are so exhausted that it's hard to even think straight? I feel like that. There is just alot of stuff going on here, and it's mainly because school is starting Monday. I wish Monday was here already so we could just get on with it. Right now I should be balancing the checkbook or finish organizing my pantry cabinets (I know, I'm living the life) but I'm going to take a quick moment to write down some precious words of wisdom from my daughter.

Last night was open house and both kids have wonderful teachers. They are both sweet, kind, fun, excited, and organized. We're a family of engineers and live for organization. Nothing wrong with that, right? As we left the school, Miss A commented, "This is painful." I was puzzled and had to ask what exactly was painful. She said that it was painful that she had to wait until Monday to go to school. Classic. I can't wait until she doesn't want to get up one morning and I remind her of this quote, maybe when she's 16 years old. I snuck in to check on my kids after they were asleep last night and found Miss A had laid out her school clothes and shoes so she would be ready. I guess just in case it did turn out to be Monday today. :)

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