Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2 Days Down

Shooo-weeee. What a crazy couple of days. Yesterady, I picked up my babies from school as they stepped off the daycare van, and Mr T looked like he was in shock. There were no smiles and he had little to say. He said that recess was no fun because he hadn't gotten swing and the slide was too hot. His teacher made him throw away his special note from me at lunch because it was on his napkin. Needless to say, last night, I was a bit disturbed about how school was going.

This morning he said that he didn't want to go and wanted to know when would he get used to this school thing. I was beside myself. I spent alot of time praying and trying not to completely melt down. I had promised my hubby's grandmother that I would join the card-playing-ladies for lunch. I walked in and had to walk back out because I didn't know if I could make it. But I went back in and let me tell you, there were like medicine to my broken heart. They all said they knew exactly how I felt and even shared their kids' and grandkids' funny first day of school stories. They even had tears in their eyes. It was so sweet. Imagine getting 6 sweet grandmas to love on you all at once. I don't mean this ugly but so many women my age seem almost glad that their kids are in school so I end up feeling like I'm slightly off my rocker for being beside myself with grief.

Well, I go to pick up my kids today and Mr T comes off the bus smiling and introduces me to another little girl who is in his class and rides the same bus. He was chatty and when I asked about PE, he got really excited and said it was fun. He was so excited about his "notebook binder" he brought home. I didn't ask him too many questions because I figured he will tell me what he needs me to know but he did seem happier, much happier.

So, for now, my heart is ok. I think tonight I won't have to cry myself to sleep. And I'll keep reminding myself, 2 days down, 178 to go. :) That's not completely true. I have been telling myself that all I have to do is make it through today. I don't have to worry about how I'll make it through the year. All I have to do is get through this very minute. Somehow that makes things much more manageable.

By the way, Miss A is in heaven. Her teacher gives them alot of free time to read and her only homework is to read. She is so happy to be there, and nothing seems to really upset her. She is happy, unbelieveably happy. What a relief. I am praying that a friend of Miss A's in another class gets to be in Miss A's "gifted" class. They won't announce that for a week or so but it sure would help to have the friend there because Miss A doesn't have the teacher she has last year for this special class. And we love that teacher. So, maybe.

Well, don't read this and wonder about me. I am doing fine. I'm a bit lost with no work to do. Floundering might be more like it. I have cleaned my shower so that it looks brand new; I've run all my errands; and I've gone to the church to clean up a supply closet. Tomorrow I think I might actually try to exercise. I really do need to get a job. :)

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