Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just a Note to Catch You Up

It's been awhile since I've posted. The main reason is that we have been crazy busy travelling and trying to squeeze the most fun out of our last few days of summer. We've been to 10 days of camping out for camp meeting, a week at the beach, and weekend at church camp. In between all those trips, I have been busy doing all the "life" stuff like paying bills, returning phone calls, washing clothes, etc. Needless to say, there has not been a spare minute.

We go tonight to meet the kids' teachers. Miss A's teacher called to welcome her and it turns out she's the mother of a girl in Miss A's 1st grade class. So we already know her, which relieves Miss A from all the "unknown" worry. Thank you Jesus. Mr T's teacher called and left us a sweet message. By her voice, she sounds really sweet.

I have not yet been overcome with fear about this new school year. Normally, I'm almost paralyzed with fear and grief over the coming school year but not this year. Miss A is ready to go so that makes her easier to send. Mr T is such a fun person that I'm mostly sure that he'll adapt well. I know it'll be miserable when they start school but for now, I'm doing ok. It's a peace I don't understand.

I realized this morning that for the past 8 years, I've had a little one by my side ALL day long, and it's going to take some getting used to being on my own. I am trying to tell myself that it'll take months to adjust, but that I will like it eventually. I also keep telling myself that this is a baby step toward setting my kids free. My job is to teach them to stand on their own and I'm trying. I also don't think about how fast they are growing and how fast my time with them will be over. I don't think about that. I just DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT. :)

My job that pays me has fallen through due to the slow economy so I really have no idea what I'll be doing when school starts. I have a list that should last a week. After that, I might be finding the want ads and looking for a job. :) Any suggestions?

Have a great day and pray for us if you think of us over the next week.

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