Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It Feels Like A Monday

I had all these great plans for today and they are all blown apart, even though it's only 9:30. I have not been feeling good the past couple of days, but I had stuff I HAD to do so I just kept on trucking. I was so looking forward to spending my day alone, recuperating. It is my first sick day with both of my kids in school and I was looking forward to being sick in peace. That plan disappeared when Mr T woke up croupy in the middle of the night. I kept him home from school and began to try to figure out what we were going to do. But, by 8:30, he was feeling so much better that he talked me into taking him to school. So, I think my day has been redeemed and all is back on track. As I am driving home, I get a phone call from my sister in law saying that both her kids have strep. And it's like a light bulb went off. I bet that is why I've been sick and I'll bet Mr T has it too. So, I am now waiting to go retrieve my kids from school for a 11:30 doctor's appointment.

Explain to me how I can go into school and re-check out my sick kid. They already looked at me like I was a horrible person for bringing him to school when I said he was late because he was sick this morning. I get the BAD parent award today. And I can't tell you how much my daughter hates the strep test. She really is good at the guilt trip. I am hoping that eating lunch out and then ice cream will help smooth things over.

So, I have totally forgotten my hopes of laying around all day. I may need serious meds after today is over. :)

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