Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The List

Here's an update.

Mr T has strep. Figures. That makes 5 out of 7 cousins on this side of the family with that junk. The verdict is still out on Miss A and myself.

I get the bad mother of the week award for sending Mr T to school for 2 hours so that he could infect everyone; I knew better.

We skipped church tonight so that we would not infect anyone. The people I called to tell them I wouldn't be there didn't get the message so I look like a total slacker. They called here looking for me. I let my hubby answer the phone. :)

At the doctor's office, the nurse asked me to spell my first name and I actually replied, "M-O-M-M-Y."

I did not get even one minute of that all-day nap I planned.

On the positive, I have some work to do, for the first time in weeks, and I should hopefully have all day tomorrow to do it. That is if no one else gets sick. We'll see.

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