Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How I Know I Am Old

Yesterday, I was finishing my grocery shopping, I realized that I was the ONLY ONE in the store under the age of 80. And it occured to me that my life schedule is very much like an old lady's. I shop whenever there won't be a crowd. If the weather "ain't fittin'" I just stay at home. I eat lunch at 10:30 and dinner at 4:30. I went to bed before 9 p.m. at least twice last week and there is nothing I like better than a good nap in the middle of the day.

Here's another way to tell that I am old. My toe that I broke a couple of years ago falling off down 2 stairs was hurting last night. I told my hubby jokingly that I bet it was going to rain. Wouldn't you know we woke up to the pouring rain this morning? Great, I can predict the weather by my toe.

Here's what makes me really old. My husband's grandmothers get together with friends every Tuesday to play cards. Several of the ladies can't play today. One lost a tooth, one's hubby is in the hospital, and one can't drive in the rain. So, THEY CALLED ME. That's right. They know I don't have a life so they call me to fill in for the ones who can't make it. So, today from 10 to 12, I am going to the outlet mall food court and am playing cards with ladies who are over 50 years older than me. But, in spirit and mind, I am right where they are. :)

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