Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good times with the family

It's been awhile since I've posted. We got to go to my parents' house for the weekend, and everyone in my family was there. We went to my niece and nephew's basketball games, which were awesome. I love basketball. We celebrated my sister's birthday, which isn't for a month but it was a good excuse to buy a cake and order pizza. We just hung out and were our silly selves, as usual. My family are my most favorite people in the world because I get to be ME around them. There aren't many people I can say that about in my life right now.

We took Miss A yesterday and ordered her 1st pair of glasses for reading things far away. I thought I would be traumatized but it really wasn't bad. She looked so cute in those glasses. I am by far the most reserved person when it comes to clothes and accessories, but I got her a pinkish-purple pair of glasses. They looked so good on her face that I just couldn't resist. She didn't want to take them off; which is good. I'll post pictures when we get them in 5 days.

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