Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 4: California Vacation

Day 4: We headed out to Sequoia National Park which is 5 hours away from my parents. It was a neat drive through the desert; there is absolutely nothing there but flat land, sand, and wind mills and solar panels that are used to generate power. Then all of a sudden we entered these huge fruit groves. We stopped at a roadside stand and picked up strawberries, blueberries, and some apples. We then began our trip up the mountain. Let me just say that I only thought I was prone to car sickness. Mr T, I now know is a car sickness child. He almost got sick on the way up and definitely got sick on the way down. I pray I never have to travel either of those roads ever again. Ever again. It was grueling.

We finally got to the park and saw the most amazing trees. They are huge, just like I knew they would be but I could never imagined just how huge they are. No words or photos could describe how majestic those trees really are. They don't even look real. I don't know how anyone can doubt there is a God when they something as spectular as those redwood trees. It was awe inspiring. We found ourselves walking amongst these trees and everyone was whispering, even my kids, and believe me when I say this is the ONLY time they whispered. It just felt like a holy place that deserved respect. We saw 4 deer and a black bear as we were hiking. We hiked up 400stairs to the top of a mountain and saw the most panamoramic view of the area.

We didn't want to drive back out of the park because of the fear that Mr T would be sick so we decided to get a room in the park. By this time, we were all tired and cold so we got into the room, got under the covers, turned the heat on, and ate our fruit. It was so cozy. Thank God for heat. I think everyone fell asleep right away, worn out from our hikes and the drive.

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