Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Thursday

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, and there are various reasons for that. I have been having computer issues, school has really picked up, and we've started all our programs at church. So, needless to say, life is busy. We have also been battling strep throat. We have an appointment with the ENT in a couple of weeks and I am praying that finally solves this problem. It's so frustrating for me because I feel like I am doing all I can to prevent it, and yet I cannot prevent strep or figure out how to make it stop. We'll see.

Mr. T is loving preschool. When he gets into the car at the end of the day, he is smiling from ear to ear. Every Thursday, the kids get to pick something out of the treasure box. He normally pulls out the goofiest thing he can find. For example, one day he came out to the car wearing fake sunglasses with a huge nose and moustache attached to them. The next week it was a fake purple worm that he cannot sleep without now. Do you know how impossible it is to keep up with a 2" fake worm?

We are going to Stone Mountain this weekend and staying in the old hotel. We have some reward points that are about to expire. I am just sad that the "snow" will not be there. We'll do the laser show and all the other stuff. Last time we went to the laser show, the kids fell asleep halfway through and totally missed the fireworks. Yes, they are heavy sleepers.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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