Monday, October 29, 2007

Words from the Kids

This is a picture of a quilt cabinet that my hubby refinished for me. I asked for a quilt cabinet years ago, but we just never got around to getting it made. Recently, we found a cabinet in an old basement that was about 6' tall, but the bottom was eaten up years ago by bugs. So, my hubby cut the bottom off of it and made me this beautiful quilt cabinet. I love it. Some of the quilts are ones I've made, others my mom made, and 3 were made by my hubby's great, great grandmother. I will probably one day take the really old quilts that are kind of falling apart and make bears out of them for my kids. I have 2 bears made out of quilts, one from my great-grandma that my aunt gave me for a high graduation gift and one from my hubby's great grandmother.
Here's a story that made me smile from ear to ear. Mr T and I were driving to pick up Miss A last week and he suddenly blurts out, "Mommy, did you know Jesus loves "P"? I wasn't too sure I heard him correctly so I asked him to repeat it...several times. He always said, "Jesus loves "P." Then he broke into a song to the tune of "Jesus Loves the Little Children" only he said, "Jesus loves the letter "P". Who knew Jesus was so fond of the letter "P."

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