Saturday, October 20, 2007

Now what?

I woke up yesterday excited and ready for the day. Mr T had a play date and for the first time in 2 weeks, I had not over committed myself. At 6:30 my hubby came in from his shop to say he had something in his eye. We worked for an hour to get it out but couldn't even find anything. We sent Miss A off the school and headed to the doctor. He worked for 30 minutes and couldn't find anything either. Off to Atlanta to the eye doctor we go.

Let me just say that I love going to Atlanta. My toes get all tingly, and I cannot help but smile when someone sends me to Atlanta. I lived there for 6 years and besides my parents' house, it is the place where I felt the most at home. I met the most wonderful people, I loved learning and being challenged, basically I just loved the whole experience. I used to wish I were still there but have recently changed my mind. I did love it, but I was so selfish then and so outside of God's will personally that I really was in turmoil most of the time. I am finally admitting that life is so much sweeter when I am living like God wants me to live. There is peace. I tried to tell myself that life was more fun when I was doing what I wanted, but it's just not true.

Ok, back to the story. My poor hubby was in so much pain by the time we saw the doctor. The nurse tried to give him an eye exam even though he couldn't open his eyes. I wanted to smack her and tell her to go get that doctor, but my 4 year old was there so I restrained myself. All the people in the waiting room were staring and whispering about that poor man who was doubled over in pain, the lady who was powerless to do anything, and the 4 year old boy who was content to watch tv and eat his sucker. That's right, all I grabbed for Mr T was a sucker, and yet he managed to make that last a LONG time.

The doctor finally came in and numbed my hubby's eye. INSTANT RELIEF. They removed a small piece of sawdust and said it had scratched his cornia all over. So, we are doing eye drops 4 times a day. And my hubby is doing much better today.

I say all that to say that we did not make it to the play date. We got home just in time to pick up Miss A from school, put the boys to bed for a nap and the girls to run around looking for a prescription. I babysat my nieces and nephew for a couple hours after we got home and then we went out to put up signs for the yard sale today. (Just writing about this makes me tired all over again.) Needless to say, we ALL went to bed at 9:00 last night and slept soundly until 7 this morning. Now it's off the yard sale. I'll try to put up some pictures soon. I have some from Stoney Mountain and Mr T's trip to the petting zoo (at preschool.)

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