Monday, October 8, 2007

Just Call Me "Handy-Woman"

This morning after my hubby left for work, I noticed that one of our toilets was running continuously. I tried the normal "jiggle the handle" trick but it just wasn't working. So, I called my hubby and asked him what to do. He suggested I cut off the water and wait until he got home but I just couldn't do that. So, I slowly lifted the back lid and entered into new territory. I began working and within 2 minutes, I had the problem fixed.

To fix something that early in the morning just sets my day in a wonderful direction. When I am cranky and at my wit's end, I should just go break something and then fix it. I think I'm ready for the day.

My kids don't have school today because it's Columbus Day so we're having their cousins over to play. I've got little pumpkins to paint, cookies to decorate, and all kinds of little crafts to do. They'll probably just want to play in their rooms, but at least I'm prepared.

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