Thursday, October 18, 2007

Quick thoughts

I have been so so so busy this past 2 weeks. So much has been happening and I find myself praying that it all ends soon. I would say that I am weary. This morning Mr T got up and immediately asked if we were late. We got in the car and he repeated, "Are you late again?" I feel like I am a minute late everywhere I go these day.

Mr. T had an ENT appointment and they are wanting to take his tonsils out. It will happen in about 6 weeks so I have that much time to get ok with it.

Miss A had her teacher/parent conference at school today and as expected is doing great. Her teacher said she is sweet, kind, helpful, and very motherly (in a good way---wonder where she gets that good mothering from.) No problems with her.

Disclaimer: I am trying to be vague so this is not going to make any sense. :) I have a situation that is probably why I am so weary. I have a friend who is really struggling so I have been helping them out, or at least trying to. But all that has happened is I am stressed, my kids are stressed, and my friend is not any better off. I hesitate to say too much but I just am so sad over the whole situation because I know that all I do will never be enough. I have been thanked over and over again for helping, and yet I find myself wondering why they don't try to fix the stuff that is wrong so everything would be better. I could about cry over the stuff that I see. I guess we all forget that everything we do affects other people, lots of other people.

Well, I'll try to add more but I gotta go oversee my kidders. :)

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