Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Night Off

I am downright giddy. My hubby is out of town again so I made plans to go to dinner with a dear friend tonight. Her hubby was gracious enough to offer to watch my kids and theirs. I think he deserves the "Father of the Year" award. We had so much fun. My friend and I both showed up wearing our black boots with huge heels (big deal for me because I never wear heels.) We ate at On the Border then went shopping at the mall. It was so much fun getting together to just have "girl talk." We also stopped by Starbucks and I got my usual. Delicious.

This dear friend has been there for me through thick and thin, when I didn't even act like I wanted a friend. It may seem weird, but it reminds me of how Jesus pursues us. We may not act like we want Him to be our friend, but He never gives up. He pursues us. I have been praying that I would slow down and be more concerned about other people. I found a verse recently that said in the end times people would stop loving each other. I don't want to forget that there are other people out there who need Jesus. I don't want to forget that I need other people. I pray I will change so that I can become a better friend to others.

After I got my kids and was on my way home, my kids could not stop talking about the fun they had. My kids have never been to Taco Bell so my friend's hubby took them there. Mr T ate 3 tacos and Miss A had 2; they seem to have a new favorite restaurant. Then, they went back to my friend's house to play. They played trick or treat. My friend's hubby dressed up as a mad scientist and the kids went trick or treating in each room of their house, receiving various "treats" such as socks, sippy cups, hats, whatever he could find. Then they pretended to go camping and my friend's hubby was the bear trying to get into the tent. They giggled and giggled and giggled all the way home. What a blessing friends are. Salt of the earth. How blessed am I.

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